Standing valiantly, defying the tyrannical metal rule and all good taste, this warrior from the future waited diligently by us as a new plane was found to replace our cancelled flight. I found it odd he wouldnt simply take off in his rocket-car, but I wasn't about to ask him about it - dude is bad.
Arrived in Philly 6 hours late, but was able to catch the end of orientation and meet my other volunteers. The night was filled with cheesesteaks, dive bars, and brotherly love. Let me tell you, folks here are serious about their cheesesteaks, their dive bars, and their paper, rock, scissors. I hear its how they'll fight wars in the future. Paper covers rock, chump.

Right, off to the future - Togo tomorrow.
1 comment:
best. mustache. ever.
Seeing that specimen in person widened and deepened my cultural perspective more than anything I have read or heard in the last day and a half of cross-cultural orientation.
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