To make sure I don't spend anytime near any of your vehicle's grills anytime soon, I've made it a point to find interesting things to write about. Today, its kids. The Togolese are an absolutely gorgeous bunch of folks and the kids are something altogether spectacular. I don't know if I find most babies ugly, or if its just white American kids who are so hideous, but, in the inimitable words of a good friend, "my uterus aches every time I see a Togolese child."

I won't even go into the women here. My grandparents could be reading this, yeah?
i think i gave you that green shirt you're wearing...
After posting, I thought the same thing. I was actually bringing both of those (remember the blue and yellow stripes?), but that one got bleached on accident right before I left. Is it really any surprise that I haven't bought new clothes in the past 4 years? :)
no...nor is it surprising that you apparently bought the most hideous shirt your side of the equator according to the pics from the peace corps initiation party. you find american babies repulsive yet this is your choice of wardrobe...hhmmmm :)
actually, i adore the an ugly U.S.A. baby kind of way.
hey, can you hook me up with 'un pagne' ??
Actually, I bought the pagne and had the shirt tailored. There was enough fabric left to make a pillow case or maybe a drape.
Yeah, I can get you pagne... Ill snap a picture of a marche stall to show you, there are hundreds and hundreds of kinds- all different qualities and patterns, and all different prices depending on how well I can barter in Ewe. You seriously want some?
you do not have to get me a pagne...unless of course you're serious about getting me one :) i will happily reimburse you for shipping charges, material costs, etc....or, we could negotiate an exchange system. cool african things for desirable american products? we can figure out something...i would also love to send things to the children if at all possible. let me know...
Ill look at shipping costs for a small package, or get some and just garde-ca jusqua mon retourne n'importe quand. A full pange runs about 4500CFA -- around $12 I dig exchanges, too -- Ill snap some pictures this weekend and send them to you :)
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